Friday, February 6, 2009

Mystery Solved!

Funny Story: This week was filled with several Doctor visits, some follow up and some check ups and so on, just a normal week in our world. Our pediatrician and speech therapist are concerned about his mis-shaped head and how one ear is slightly higher than the other ear. So we got referred to a Craniofacial doctor. We are to check his jaw and head and see how it’s going to effect his speech and feeding. So anyone who knows me in real life knows that I don’t stand for the po-dunk doctors I have to choose the best of the best so I made my appointment with the head of the Cranio Department (I wont mention names). So we get there and are taken back, Doctor comes in gets our health history and he starts to exam Bug pretty thoroughly without saying much out loud, he’s writing and examining and writing and measuring and writing. I was pretty impressed so far, (remember not a word has been said yet), oh the dr’s wheels were turning. After about 10 straight minutes of examining, he then puts down his pencil and tape measure and…no joke…says “Its my opinion that the reason his head in mis-shaped is due to the Hydrocephalus.” WOW how many years of med school? He then said that he’s not sure he could do much for us and sent us away. We haven’t got the bill yet but I’m pretty sure that little piece of medical brilliance will cost us a pretty penny. SIGH


Anonymous said...


Funny story! Had to share one of ours with you. Bronson, before Christmas, collapsed at school with this major headache and they took him to Tooele Hospital. It was SUPER scary. So - they transfer him to Primary Childrens and run these "special tests", which were in total about $10,000.00 (thank God for insurance)... anyway - they get the "results" and the HEAD Neurosurgeon up at Primary says - "We think we know what has caused this episode... teenage hormones can trigger severe migraines". We felt the same way you did. Oh.. thanks for sharing. You mean we could've gone to Walmart and bought a $3.00 bottle of ibuprofin??? So, I feel your pain! Experts... Bleh! Tiff

Unknown said...

HEY mom i just wanted to say thanks for putting me on the web

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!